CDfactoryª Technology by Human Code¨ 07/14/95©1995 Human Code, Austin TX Phone: 512-477-5455 Fax: 512-477-5456 This disk contains the following CDfactory titles: Power Computing Screen Caffeine Demo Human Code CDfactory Photoshop Tips FOR PC The following topics are covered: 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Minimum and recommended systems. 2. INSTALLATION Information on using the Installer.3. QUICKTIME 2.0 (included) FOR WINDOWS Required for running CDfactory. 4. RUNNING CDfactory Requirements and tips. 5. TROUBLESHOOTING If all else fails... ========================================================== 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR RUNNING CDfactory ========================================================== MINIMUM configuration is: 386 SX/25 or higher microprocessor 8MB of RA MPC-compatible CD-ROM drive MPC-compatible sound card 640x480x256 color monitor and adapter Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later MS-DOS 5.0 or higher Mouse QuickTime for Windows 2.0 (it's included on this CD) Hard disk with 1.5MB's of free space RECOMMENDED configuration is: 486 or Pentium computer 8MB RAM or higher (highly recommended Double-Speed MPC Level 2-compatible CD-ROM drive Hard Disk with 1.5MB of free space for installing the Quicktime 2.0 version ========================================================== 2. INSTALLATION ========================================================== CDfactory requires QuickTime for Windows 2.0 to operate. This is included on the disc. In File Manager open the CD go into "QT INSTALL" folder, and double click on SETUP.EXE and follow instructions on the screen. Allow installer to remove old and duplicate versions from your hard drive of Quicktime. NOTE: BE SURE YOU ARCHIVE ANY OLDER VERSIONS OF QUICKTIME BEFORE RUNNING SETUP.EXE--IT WILL DELETE ANY OLDER VERSIONS OF QUICKTIME CURRENTLY INSTALLED. ========================================================== 3. QUICKTIME FOR WINDOWS ========================================================== NOTE: CDfactory may not operate properly if another (older) version of QuickTime is installed on your drive. For best results, remove other versions that you may have and use Version 2.0 supplied. If you are experiencing trouble with the operation of CDfactory, refer to the Troubleshooting section of this README document for further help. ============================================================= 4. RUNNING CDfactory ============================================================= Very Important: Be sure that your monitor is set to 640x480, 256-color mode. CDfactory will not operate in a reliable fashion in other resolutions. Use File Manager to double-click on the name of the run-time player for the demo you want to see. =========================================================== 6. TROUBLE SHOOTING =========================================================== POOR PERFORMANCE: 1) If you get a message stating that "the projector's name" has used all of Windows' available memory or if sounds are dropping out and Quicktime movies are skipping, follow these steps. __________________________________________________________ To change the size of your swap file: A. In the Main group, choose the Control Panel icon. B. In the Control Panel window, choose the 386 Enhanced icon. C. In the 386 Enhanced dialog box, choose the Virtual Memory button. The Virtual Memory dialog box appears. D. Choose the Change button. The Virtual Memory dialog box expands. E. From the Drive list, select the drive where you want the swap file to be located. for example, if you have a second hard disk drive that has more space, you could select its drive letter. Usually you will use drive C: F. From the Type list, select the type of swap file you want to use. The easiest is a temporary swap file. G. In the New Size box, icrease the size in kilobytes of the swap file. Do not allocate more than the recommended maximun size. H. Choose the OK button. After you make changes in the Virtual Memory dialog box and choose the OK button, a dialog box appears telling you to restart Windows so that your changes will take effect. I. Choose the Restart button. Do not press CRTL+ALT+DEL. For help with the Virtual Memory dialog box, choose the Help button or press F1 while using the dialog box. J. For more information on swap files refer to your Windows manual __________________________________________________________ 2) Programs running in the background will greatly hurt performance. Quit all other programs when running CDfactory, including network software. 3) If you have a single-speed CD-ROM drive, expect some delays as compared to a double-speed system. 4) Screen Savers: If a screen saver kicks in during use of CDfactory, the program will operate unreliably (some images may be obscured and it may crash.) Screen savers may kick in after their allotted period of inactivity even if movies and animations have been playing on the screen during this period. It's best to turn off screen savers temporarily. 5) If you're prone to hyper-clicking: You won't need it in this program. If something on the screen is not responding to your mouse click, clicking 50 more times won't help. Hammering your mouse button will only kill off that mouse early and might crash CDfactory. 6) Make sure that Quicktime 2.0 is installed. ENJOY!